Faculty and academic staff at Lesley University are invited to submit a proposal to present at the eLearning Institute on Faculty Development Day in January.
Please join us as we enjoy a day of exploring best practices in online learning, mobile computing, social networking and more!
The eLearning Institute will occur on Thursday, January 16, 2014 at University Hall and is the result of a collaboration between the Faculty Life & Development Committee, eLearning & Instructional Support, the Center for Teaching, Learning, & Scholarship, and the Office of the Provost.
Examples of presentation topics include:
- Innovative uses of media in teaching and scholarship
- Examples of innovative pedagoggy in the classroom
- Teaching and learning with mobile devices
- Fostering engagement, collaboration, and communication with/through technology
- Multimedia/Video/Digital Storytelling
- Exploration of trends in social media
- Updates from Summer Technology Institute participantson classroom innovation
- Research or best practices related to the use of digital media in face-to-face, hybrid, and online environments
Presentations may be group or individual. Presenters will select one of the following presentation types to share:
- Traditional Concurrent Session: These are presentations or discussions of a topic or concept. (60 minutes)
- Bring Your Own Laptop (BYOL): These are presentations that encourage hands-on exploration of specific websites or tools. Participants will bring their own laptops to participate. (60 minutes)
The deadline to submit a proposal is Friday, November 22nd.