Apply to the 2016 Summer Technology Institute

STI2015Join your Lesley faculty colleagues for an exciting, immersive professional development opportunity!

The Summer Technology Institute is an opportunity for faculty to participate in a learning community across disciplines and schools engaged in an exploration of the effective uses of technology in teaching, learning, collaboration, and scholarship. This event is sponsored by the Office of the Provost and the Center for Teaching, Learning and Scholarship, and organized by eLearning and Instructional Support. To apply for the Summer Tech Institute, please complete the brief application form here.

All faculty — core or adjunct — are welcome to apply.  Faculty who consider themselves basic technology users or who do not currently use technology in their teaching are especially encouraged to apply. Faculty selected through the application process receive a $500 stipend for participation in the institute.

The program features a 4-day institute in June, held on the Brattle Campus. Faculty engage in a rich mix of dialogue, hands-on practice, project-based learning, reflection, and application to explore innovative ways technology can be integrated into their teaching. 

Examples of workshops from past Summer Tech Institutes include:

  • Navigating the Technology Wilderness
  • Designing for Engagement
  • OneDrive: Collaboration Made Easy
  • Blackboard Beautification Project
  • Designing and Facilitating Online Discussions
  • Introducing Media Into Your Blackboard Course

Expectations for Summer Technology Institute Participants

Faculty are expected to:

  • Participate in all four days of the institute: June 13-16, 2016
  • Develop a technology-enhanced learning activity for a 2016-2017 course
  • Attend or participate in at least one professional development outreach activity during the 2016-17 school year

Important Dates

March 25, 2016 Applications Due
April 8, 2016 Participants Announced
June 13-16, 2016 Summer Institute


To apply for the Summer Technology Institute, please fill out the 2016 application form.

What’s the Horizon for Technology in Higher Ed?

The Horizon Report looks at the five year horizon for emerging trends and technologies that will impact higher education. Which of these will drive changes in education? What at the major challenges higher education institutions are facing and how can we strategize solutions?

The Horizon Report is a collaborative research project from the New Media Consortium (NMC) and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI). It looks at the six key trends, six significant challenges, and six important developments in educational technology. All of the topics were selected by an expert panel with a range of backgrounds and perspectives. The report is intended to be a reference that educators can use to plan for technology, not a solution.

To learn more, download the report or view the video below for a quick intro.