How to Make Printable Versions of Your Weekly Sessions in Blackboard

It is possible to make printable versions of your weekly sessions or modules for your students in Blackboard whether or not your materials are organized in folders or in learning modules.

chromeTo begin, you’ll need to log into your course using the Chrome browser. If you don’t already have Chrome installed on your computer you can download it here. Please note that Firefox is still the browser we recommend that you use for Blackboard activities but the Chrome browser appears to be the only program that allows us to create printable copies of Blackboard screens.

1. Once you’ve logged into your course via the Chrome browser make sure the Edit button is toggled to the “On” position.

2. On your sidebar locate the menu item where your course materials are housed. For example, you may have an item titled “Course Modules or Course Sessions.” Right click on this link. A menu will open. Select the “Open in New Tab” option.


3. At the top of your browser you’ll now see 2 separate tabs. Click on the item that is labeled with the same title as the menu item that houses your course materials. In this instance we’ll click on the tab called “Course Sessions.”

4. On the screen you’ll now see a list of the sessions or modules that appear in your course. Right click on the week you would like to make a printable for and once again click on the “Open in New Tab” option from the menu that appears.

5.  At the top of your browser you’ll now see 3 separate tabs. Click on the item that is labeled with the same title as the session or module that you’d like to create a printable version. In this instance we’ll click on the tab called “Week One: Getting Your….”

6. You’ll now see all of the content items for the week you selected in your browser window. At this point we recommend that you minimize any sidebar menus (located on the left hand side of the page) that appear in your course.

If you’re using Learning Modules with a Table of Contents you can minimize the table by clicking on the icon indicated below:

To minimize your main course menu (or sidebar) click on the arrow icon.


7. Now, at the top of your screen, locate the menu item called “File.” Click on this item. A menu will open. Select the “Print” option from the menu.


8. In the print menu window click on the “Change” button located in the Destination area.

9. In the new window that appears, locate the Local Destination section and click on the “Save as PDF” option.


10. A new menu will appear. A preview of your course session will be located on the right hand side of the page. Click on the Save button found on the upper left hand side of the window.


11. The Save As window will open. Here you can rename the file and select the location on your computer that you would like to house the document you’ve created. When you’ve made your edits and/or selections click the “Save” button.

 12. Now you can upload this printable version of your content to the class or email it directly to students. Please contact if you need additional assistance. You can also print these instructions.

The New myLesley Calendar is Here

myLesley has a brand new calendar tool. Not only does it have a more modern look and functionality, but now you can personalize and customize it to your needs.

myLesley calendar

View calendar events by day, week or month and view all course calendars at once. Select which calendars you want to view and color code calendars to quickly identify personal, course or university items.


Instructors can easily create new events for their courses and both instructors and students can add personal events. Course assignments with due dates will automatically appear on the calendar.

Need to edit an event? Simply click on the event to open it or drag and drop it to the new date. Instructors can change assignment due dates in the calendar making it easy to update your course for the new semester. Need to update the assignment details. Just click on ‘Edit this Assignment’ and go directly to the assignment.


Do you use Google calendar for your personal events? Export your myLesley calendar to Google or other calendar tool and have everything in one place.


You can access the new calendar in two ways:

Click on your name in the top right corner and then click on the calendar icon…

… or click on Tools in any myLesley course menu and then click on Calendar.


For more information on how to use the new calendar tool, watch the video tutorial below or check out the handy step-by-step overview.

myLesley Improvements Coming This Fall

Fall_leavesWhen the new school year kicks off on September 4th you’ll not only be reveling in the fantastic smell of shiny new textbooks, fancy pens, and a clean slate. This Fall you’ll also be unwrapping a completely refreshed and upgraded Blackboard interface. As the leaves start to change and the air becomes crisp here are just a few of the exciting additions you can look forward to using with students in both your online and face-to-face classes:

Inline Grading for Assignments
You can now view, comment, and grade student-submitted assignment files without leaving the Grade Assignment page. This is a very exciting tool and we think you’re going to love how much time and extra work it’s going to save you.

Learn more about this new option via written instructions or video.

New Discussion Board Look and Feel
The discussion board now has a completely revamped user interface. Forums and threads are better organized allowing for a more streamlined experience for both instructors and students.

Learn more about this new option via written instructions or video.

A More Intuitive Text/Content Editor
Blackboard now uses a a text editor based on the TinyMCE platform. We bet you’ll recognize it as soon as you sign in and you’ll be formatting your course text, adding images, and laying out tables like a pro in no time.

Learn more about this new option via written instructions or video.

In addition, please review our Professional Development calendar for training opportunities throughout the semester and check out the complete list of new features on our website.