Attaching Files in the myLesley Text Editor

In this week’s exciting Agent L episode, we outwit Gremlins in the System’s (GITS) fiendish plot to prevent faculty from sharing important course files and resources.

Ben Friday: Agent L, we have an emergency!!! GITS has struck again. The Browse My Computer button has been removed from the Insert File window in the text editor. Faculty can’t upload attachments when creating their content. How are they supposed to share files with their students.

Agent L: Calm down, Ben. Show me what you’re talking about. I’m sure we can fix this.

Ben: (takes deep breath) OK. Go to the text editor anywhere in myLesley and click on the Insert File button.  

myLesley text editor

There should be three buttons including Browse My Computer which allows faculty and students to attach files from their personal computer, but now there’s only two.

browse computer button missing

Ben: How are faculty supposed to share their syllabus or study guide or readings or…

Agent L: Wait, Ben. Stop. Let’s take a closer look. What happens if we click on the Browse Course button? Hmmm… that appears to let us look through all the files already uploaded to the course. And look, there’s an Upload option.

browse course content

Ben: What does it do?

Agent L: I think it will let us upload and attach the files we want to share. I’m going to try it.upload files menu

Look I can click on Choose File and select the file I want to attach from my computer.

choose file

After l selecting my file, I click Submit to upload it to the course.  Then click Submit again to select it as the file I want to attach. Great, now I can edit the Name of the Link to File to something more reader friendly than the file name and add Alt Text for accessibility. Click Submit one more time.

edit file display info

Agent L: Voila! I’ve done it. There’s my file.

Ben: Amazing work, Agent L. That will teach  GITS not to mess with us.

Agent L: I live to outsmart GITS.

agent LLearn more about using the myLesley text editor at the Agent Support Site.  

Creating Links in myLesley

In today’s exciting episode, Agent L defeats Gremlins in the System’s (GITS) attempt to prevent faculty and students from creating links in myLesley.


Ben Friday: Agent L, we have an emergency! GITS is preventing faculty and students from creating links in myLesley!

Agent L: How? What’s happening?

Ben: Faculty and students are pasting links to other websites in the text editor, but they aren’t turning into links. They are just plain text… and some of the links don’t look very good either.

text editor with non-clickable link

Agent L: Hmmmm… I think I know how to fix this. myLesley’s text editor has a tool to create links. It’s called the Insert/Edit Link tool.

You simply select the text you want to be a link such as the pasted link, or if you want those long links to look nicer, type a few words to define the website you are linking to and select that text just as I’ve done below.

create a link

Then click on the Insert/Edit Link tool.

Paste your copied link into the LInk Path text box.

create link settings

For Agent Extra Credit, change the Target to Open in a New Window (_blank). Websites don’t always display well in the myLesley content frame. Opening them in a new window gives them the full browser window and all the options.

Finally click Insert. You can then finish writing your post or content in the text editor. Click Submit when you are done and you will have a nice looking clickable link. Simple.

final clickable link

BenBen: Wow, Agent L! Way to outsmart GITS!

Agent L: It’s my mission, Ben.


agent LLearn more about using the myLesley text editor at the Agent Support Site.

Pasting Text from Word to myLesley

In this Agent L episode, faculty overcome stubborn and ugly formatting in myLesley.

BenBen Friday: Agent L, we’ve had reports of faculty not being able to reformat their content in myLesley. We believe it may be a new GITS (Gremlins in the System) plot.

Agent L: GITS? Are you sure? What exactly is happening?agent L

Ben: Faculty copy their content from MS Word and paste it into myLesley. Then they can’t change the formatting. If they try to change the font or size, nothing happens. It must be GITS trying to sabotage their work.

Agent L: Ben, I don’t think this is GITS. It’s just a mismatch between Word and myLesley. Word creates text that is meant to be printed out while myLesley creates text meant to be viewed on the web. Behind the scenes, this looks and acts very different.

Word vs. web code

Agent L: When faculty copy their text from Word, all of Word’s print code comes with it and myLesley doesn’t know how to read it. We just need to translate that copied text for myLesley.

Ben: How do we do that?

Agent L: Easy. Just clear the formatting. Select the text you wish to reformat. Then click the Remove Formatting button at the end of the first row of the text editor tools.

remove formatting tool

Agent L: Voila! myLesley will clear the troublesome Word formatting and you can now format your text as you wish.

Ben: That’s brilliant! And so easy!

Agent L: Think nothing of it. It’s all in a day’s work for an agent.

Check back for Agent L’s next exciting mission. For more information on using the text editor in myLesley, see the case file on the Agent Support site.

Faculty Development Community at Lesley

A new faculty community has been created in myLesley as a central place to share information and events from the Dean of Faculty Office and eLearning and Instructional Support. The community is still a work in progress so if there’s content you want to see and would find helpful please let us know.

A key element of the Faculty Development community will be events calendar. The calendar will list events sponsored by the Center for Teaching, Learning and Scholarship, eLearning and Instructional Support, Faculty Development and the Provost Office. We will also post relevant events by other Lesley offices.

To access the Faculty Development at Lesley community, log into myLesley. Click on the “my community” tab at the top. Look for Faculty Development at Lesley in the list and click on the organizations To access the events calendar, click on Faculty Calendar in the left-hand menu.faculty calendar link

Want to add the Faculty Development calendar to your own calendar such as Outlook, Office 365, Google, or your iOS or Android phone? Simply scroll to the bottom of the myLeslsy calendar and click Get External Calendar Link. get external link

Copy the link for the myLesley calendar and add it to your personal calendar. See the instructions on our support site to learn how to add the calendar link to many of the most popular calendar tools.

Using Announcements to Communicate With Your Students

In this episode, Agent L aids faculty to outsmart Gremlins in the System (aka GITS) and get students to their first day of class.

ben fridayBen Friday: Agent L, you have a new mission. GITS have struck again. They have managed to rearrange all the room scheduling. Classes start next week and the faculty are in a bit of a pickle. They need to contact their students as soon as possible with the new room locations. How will you handle this? Will you go undercover as a GITS agent? Maybe reprogram their systems? What about…?agent L

Agent L: Wait… Ben, have you heard of Announcements?

Ben Friday: Announcements? What’s that? Some new fiendish plot from GITS?

Agent L: Announcements is a tool in myLesley. Faculty can easily send out timely information to their students whenever they need to. Simply log into your myLesley course and click the Create Announcement button.
create announcement



Type in a Subject for your Announcement and the Message.
create an announcement

Ben Friday: But what if the students don’t log into the course site between now and class time?

Agent L: Announcements can be emailed to them. The instructors don’t even need to know the students’ email addresses. Just scroll below the Message area to the Web Announcement Options section and check the Email Announcement box.
email announcement

Click Submit and every member of the course will now have a copy in their inbox.

Ben Friday: That’s brilliant Agent L. I’ll spread the word.

Agent L: Maybe via an Announcement (smirk).

Check back for Agent L’s next exciting mission. For more information on how to use Announcements, see the instructions on the Agent Support site or view the video below.